Top 7 blockchain platforms to consider for your business

To hasten the adoption of blockchain technology among businesses, Enterprise Ethereum is a set of rules and technical requirements. These rules enable companies to use both the open mainnet and private chains based on Ethereum. The specifications are upheld by the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a group of global incumbent and blockchain companies.

Enterprise-grade distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform Hyperledger Fabric offers distinctive advantages over other well-known blockchain platforms. It was founded by the Linux Foundation, which is renowned for supporting fruitful open-source initiatives. Fabric features a flexible and modular design that can be tailored for many business use cases, including those in the banking, healthcare, and supply chain sectors. Programming languages like Java and Go are supported.

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A distributed ledger technology framework with an enterprise focus is called Hyperledger Sawtooth. When it was developed, security, scalability, and modularity were given top priority. A distributed log that maintains an ordered list of transactions, a state machine/smart contract logic layer that processes transaction content, a distributed state storage that stores the resulting state after transaction processing, and a consensus algorithm that ensures network-wide agreement on transaction order and content make up Sawtooth's five main components.

IBM Blockchain is a private and decentralized blockchain network that has been successful with enterprise clients. It is ideal for linking into enterprise cloud and legacy technologies seamlessly. IBM Blockchain developer tool is flexible, functional, and customizable. Additionally, a user-friendly interface is provided to simplify critical tasks like smart contract deployment and testing.

Consensys Quorum is a private, permissioned blockchain platform that makes use of the Ethereum protocol's official Go implementation. It makes use of a 'raft-based' consensus method to achieve quicker blocktimes, transaction finality, and on-demand block production. JP Morgan created Quorum, which aims to improve upon first-generation blockchains' drawbacks in the financial sector.

Software for distributed ledgers called R3 Corda makes it easier to store and handle shared data, including contracts. It has the capacity to support smart contracts, which are described as contracts that are both legally binding and can be carried out by computer code with the assistance of human input and control. A group of more than 200 banks, financial institutions, and technology companies came together to develop R3 Corda, a platform specialising in financial services, in 2016.

The distributed ledger software R3 Corda makes it simple to store and handle shared data, including contracts. Smart contracts, which are defined as contracts that are both legally binding and can be carried out by computer code with the help of human input and control, can be supported by it. R3 Corda is a financial services platform that was introduced in 2016 by a group of more than 200 banks, financial institutions, and technology firms.